The NTH Adidas Recreational Cup is an annual event held exclusively for NASA Tophat recreational teams at the end of the Spring season. Teams can expect to play against other NASA Tophat teams in a fun environment to close their spring seasons. The tournament is an additional cost for teams, and is held like a full select tournament, with guaranteed games on Saturday and Sunday. All games will have referees, and the U7 and U8 divisions will have goalkeepers. For more questions, please email the NASA Tophat Tournament Committee at
A full link to the rules can be found HERE
Please note - this tournament is recreational in nature and, as such, we do not allow for super teams or teams that were formed solely for the purpose of this event. We encourage teams to find guest players if needed, and want to ensure this event is open to players whose teams may not want to participate, but we will refuse entry to teams which are formed for the sole purpose of this event.
This year's Adidas Rec Cup will be held May 10 and 11, 2025 at United Quest Park in Kennesaw.
Registration for the Adidas Rec Cup is available through PlayMetrics, at the website HERE
What is the schedule for this weekend - Individual team schedules will be released about 8 days before the event, but count on two games on Saturday (one AM and one PM), and a final guaranteed game Sunday AM. Semifinals, Finals, and consolation games will most likely be scheduled Sunday PM
Who is eligible - Any player who is a recreational player who has played in the NASA Tophat program in the last year. Any academy or select player is ineligible. Players must also meet the age requirements for their age group.
Our coach coaches multiple teams - We can generally accommodate most teams with coaches coaching multiple teams, but can not guarantee a lack of conflicts. Please email for further information.
How do we register/what's required - Registration for the event is available solely through the PlayMetrics platform, at the link HERE. Teams will be required to submit their rosters and those are the only players who will be eligible to participate in the event. Rosters will be checked by NTH staff to ensure no tournament specific teams were formed and to prevent any academy or select players are playing in the event. All players must have played with NASA Tophat in the past 8 months in order to be eligible.
What if I have further questions - Please email the NASA Tophat Tournament Committee at for any further questions.
For 2025, the Adidas Rec Cup will cost
U7/U8 - $350
U10 - $450
U12 - $500